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11/29/23, 3:00 AM

The 2nd GTP Hackathon will be held

On December 9th, a GTP hackathon will be held at Kiyosato Kogen, Yamanashi Prefecture. We will discuss the relationship between GTP and diseases, aging, diet, immunity, evolution, etc. Also, this year, how should we clarify the distribution of metabolites within cells? I would like to discuss the theory and method. Please check the link for more information about the program.


11/29/23, 3:00 AM

A Symposium will be held at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.

A symposium will be held by GTP-GEEKS members at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, which will be held at the Kobe International Conference Center from December 6th to 8th. Sasaki and Iio will present from our laboratory. Please feel free to join us.

Theme: Cell metabolism research advanced by multi-scale analysis
Date: Thursday, December 7th 9:30-11:45
Venue: Venue 14 (Kobe International Conference Center 5F No. 504+505)

10:55-11:10 Aki Iio (Ogawa)
"Visualization of intracellular GTP localization using G-SHINE probe and its applications"

11:25-11:40 Atsuo T.Sasaki
"Unexplored areas of GTP energy metabolism illuminated by spatiotemporal multiscale analysis"


日付:12月7日(木) 9:30−11:45
会場:第14会場(神戸国際会議場 5F 504+505号)

10:55-11:10 飯尾(小川)亜樹

11:25-11:40 佐々木敦朗

10/27/23, 3:00 AM

Metastasis Symposium 2023

Metastasis Symposium 2023 was held. HFSP collaborator Dr. Laura Machesky gave a talk as an invited speaker. From ATS Lab, Prof. Sasaki, Dr. Iio, and Dr. Fujii gave presentations.

Metastasis Symposium 2023 が開催されました. HFSP の共同研究者 Dr. Laura Machesky をお招きしご講演頂きました。ATSラボからは、PI佐々木、飯尾さん、藤井さんが発表しました。

10/17/23, 3:00 AM

5G Retreat

On October 17th and 18th, we went to the 5G Retreat (workshop) with Keio members and Cancer Institute/Yokoyama Lab members. We learned a lot through many discussions.

10月17日と18日、慶応義塾大学のメンバーとがん研・横山研究室のメンバーで5Gリトリート(ワークショップ)に行ってきました。 ディスカッションを通して多くのことを学ぶことができました。

12/1/22, 3:00 PM

The 6th GTP-Workshop

The 6th GTP-Workshop at the 45th annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ). Organizers: Atsuo Sasaki, Ph.D. and Miki Senda, Ph.D. This will be an exciting session!



Atsuo T. Sasaki, Ph.D.

Professor:  University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Project Professor: Keio University
Project Professor: Hiroshima University Hospital

Visiting Professor:Tokyo University of Science


Vontz Center 1328 (office) / 1234 (lab)3125 Eden Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45267-0508

Copyright 2023 Sasaki Lab.

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